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Research area


UV Sensor

The sun may be the best friend or the worst enemy
of our health and skin, depending on the period of time
we are exposed to UV rays.
Physical and chemical filters are not the key, since even with a good sunscreen
we can experience sunburns, that, unfortunately, are not only signs of skin
distress but also the main cause of skin cancer.
Our solution?
We are developing innovative UV Sensors that are able
to monitor the rays’ intensity in order to let everybody
manage the exposure time in a correct, continuous and reliable way.
In recent years, thanks to the development
and advancement of science in the nanoelectronics sector,
the size of biosensors and their energy consumption
are decreasing significantly, thus opening up the possibility
of using them as independent wearable sensors.
In 2017 Ventiseidieci started from the latest results
obtained in the research to create the first stand-alone
Printed Biosensor for monitoring exposure to UV rays.